
About WeSchool

Established in 1977, WeSchool works under the aegis of S.P. Mandali Trust, one of the oldest trusts in the space of education. WeSchool ranks among the premier Business schools in the country. We strongly believe in combining the ideology of 'leadership' and fostering sustainability to shape a brighter future. We have introduced several pioneering management programs in business design & innovation, e-business, retail, rural, healthcare, media & entertainment, research & business analytics. We work closely with organizations across different business domains and verticals on live projects, consulting, and training assignments, with application-based research as an integral part of the education ecosystem.

Conference Overview

Organizations have changed over the past several decades about the structuring of work methods and processes. Shaping the future of work is the biggest and most exciting challenge with drastic technological change and increased globalization. If sustainable development means the insurance of the future generations on progress and evolution. The relationship between leadership, sustainable development, and technology is very important. Recognizing the need for a mindset shift is critical, but the real challenge is embedding sustainability, and leadership along with technology. Technology encompasses not only advanced computing and IT solutions but also social media and the concept of social leadership. The relationship between leadership and sustainable development is also important because there is no development without leadership, especially in the social, human, and cultural dimensions.

Against this backdrop, WeSchool has decided to convene a research conference under the theme “Sustainability, Leadership, and Technology: Towards a Better Tomorrow” to review connections between ideas about leadership and sustainability and consider possible implications for businesses and societies. The convergence of leadership, sustainability, and technology is a tremendous force for creating a better future. Each ingredient has enormous power on its own, but when combined, it acts as a catalyst for positive change.

The research conference is scheduled for July 18-19, 2024. This conference will be a platform for industry practitioners, academicians, and research scholars to come together, to learn, share, and discuss with thought leaders, technologists, and learning experts. This would be a great knowledge-sharing event for a diverse audience embracing international and national speakers and participants.

The conference highlights include plenary sessions with renowned experts, panel discussions with academicians and practitioners, and dedicated tracks for student paper presentations. We invite original research papers for presentation from industry practitioners, doctoral scholars, academicians, and students on the theme of the conference.

Conference Objectives

The conference aims to engage in thought-provoking discussions and disseminate knowledge to make a positive impact in their respective fields.

  1. Bring together leaders and experts from diverse fields to discuss and exchange best practices for harnessing technology to create a more sustainable future.
  2. Bridge the gap between tech minds, leaders, and sustainability experts to co-create practical and scalable solutions for businesses and societies.
  3. Push the boundaries of current thinking on leadership, sustainability, and technology by exploring cutting-edge ideas and emerging trends.
  4. Provide a key platform for academicians, research scholars, and practitioners to present their research, discuss their findings, and receive feedback from experts in their respective fields.

Conference Outcomes

This conference will provide a suitable medium for sharing, exchanging, and learning about the difficulties and opportunities that have arisen/will occur in the context of accelerated technological advancements, the pressing need for a heightened pace of innovation in the business and social sphere, and considerable disruption of corporate models and even social structures.

The scope of the conference will be expansive, encompassing the impact of all new-age technologies (e.g., AI, robotics, machine learning, VR, IoT, and cognitive computing), leadership approaches, leadership strategies, current and potential innovations in business, and economic considerations to create a greener or more eco-friendly living for all. Further, the conference would explore strategies that reshape our institutions to fit the new realities of globalization, address the pressing need for sustainable living, and harness the potential given by the current technological revolutions while navigating the perils of unpredictable growth and increased risk.

Call for Papers

Conference Themes and Sub-Themes

We invite the submission of high-quality scholarly papers in the suggested themes below. The authors are welcome to choose alternate topics related to the theme of the conference. We welcome papers from various disciplines and methodological perspectives in order to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange. When selecting papers, the Conference Committee will prioritise quality over quantity, ensuring that all conference participants have a worthwhile experience.


  1. Leadership challenges and barriers
  2. Global leadership
  3. Corporate social responsibility and sustainable leadership
  4. Management in leadership
  5. Entrepreneurial leadership and sustainable development
  6. Leader’s role in innovation
  7. Impact of sustainability on leadership strategies


  1. Social sustainability
  2. Sustainable development and education
  3. Sustainable design and business strategy
  4. Sustainability and accounting
  5. Sustainability and finance
  6. Sustainability and marketing
  7. Sustainability and green campus
  8. Sustainability and Future Generation


  1. AI and human interaction
  2. Green IT and sustainable design
  3. Cyber security
  4. Analytics and AI/ML/Robotics
  5. Computational intelligence
  6. Next generation network
  7. Technology’s role in communication management
  8. Sustainable IT and IT- enabled practices


  1. Digital Disruption in Traditional Business Models
  2. Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Cross-Specialization Emphases (including, but not limited to) Marketing

  1. Digital Consumer Engagement and Sustainable Branding
  2. Customer Experience Innovation in the Digital Age


  1. Financial Technology and Sustainable Investments
  2. Financial Technology (FinTech) Innovations and Disruptions
  3. Sustainable Finance and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Investing

Information Technology

  1. Digital Transformation Strategies and Cyber Resilience
  2. Cybersecurity in the Age of Digital Transformation


  1. Tech-Driven Supply Chain Resilience
  2. Digital Transformation in Operations Management
  3. Inventory Management in the Digital Age
  4. Sustainable Manufacturing Practices

HR Management

  1. HR Tech and Sustainable Talent Management
  2. Talent Management in a Digital Workforce
  3. Employee Engagement and Well-being in Remote Work Environments

*Any other topic relevant to the theme of the Conference*

Submission Guidelines

Extended Abstract

  • The extended abstract's elements can be arranged in the following list of categories:
  • Title, Author(s), Affiliation, Introduction, Main Body Text (including a concise review of extent literature methodology, findings, discussion, and summary sections) and References
  • Word limit is around 1500-2000 words and must have up to 5 (five) keywords.
  • All extended Abstracts will be peer reviewed before final acceptance/rejection and final decision on same shall be communicated with email.

Full Paper

  • Full Paper must be written in good English free of various typing and grammatical errors to be fit for publication consideration. The submissions must include a Title, an Abstract, Authors affiliation and designation details.
  • The word limit of full paper is,3000 minimum and 8000 maximum.
  • All citations and references must be in sync and author shall make sure the paper doesn't infringe any copyright.
  • APA style of referencing for citation is to be followed to maintain the uniformity.

General Guidelines

  • Extended Abstract / Full paper must be typed in MS Word in Times New Roman with font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. All pages of the paper shall be numbered.
  • All submitted work should mandatorily have a Similarity Index below 10%.
  • The submissions should be made at

It is the responsibility of an author to ensure the paper is original, should not have been published/ presented earlier nor should have been communicated for publication/presentation elsewhere.

Publication Opportunities

Selected research papers duly approved by the editorial team will be considered for publication in -

  • Conference proceedings with ISBN number published by WeSchool
  • Scopus / ABDC -indexed journals (final publication subject to the double-blind peer review process by the respective editorial boards)
  • Special issue of aWeshkar, an in-house bi-annual peer-reviewed journal (listed in the EBSCO databases) (final publication subject to the double-blind peer review process by the respective editorial boards)

Please Note: For the publication, submission, review, and processing will strictly adhere to the norms of publishing journals.

Best Paper Award

The Best Paper Award will be presented under Student and Faculty category. In order to qualify for the best paper award, full paper must be presented at the conference.

Key Dates and Deadlines

Extended Abstract Submission 15.06.2024
Intimation for acceptance of Extended Abstract 22.06.2024
Full Paper Submission 01.07.2024
Registration Link Opens 02.07.2024
Registration Link Closes 10.07.2024

Target Audience

Academicians, Corporate Executives, Research Scholars, Students, Practitioners, Subject Experts and Policy makers

Research Scholar / Students 1000 INR
Academicians (with paper) 2000 INR
Academicians (without paper) 1500 INR
Industry Delegates 3000 INR
International Delegates 100 $
  1. GST will be chargeable @18% and added to Basic Registration Fees
  2. All the authors of every accepted paper are required to register for the conference.
  3. A candidate once registered and paid the registration fee is not allowed to cancel the registration. The registration fee for the conference once paid is not refundable.

Conference Patron

Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe

Group Director, WeSchool.

Dr. V. Kumar

Goodman School of Business, Brock University, Canada & a Marketing Legend

Conference Lead

Dr. D. Y. Patil

Dean – Centre of Excellence for Research, WeSchool Mumbai

Organising Committee

Dr. Vaishali Patil

Sr. Associate Dean – Research & Publication and Information Technology

Dr. Garima Sharma

Associate Dean – IIC (Institution’s Innovation Council) & Research

Prof. Bharath Rajan

Associate Dean – Research

Dr. Chitralekha Kumar

Assistant Professor – Research

Dr. Pravin Ghunnar

Assistant Professor – Research

Dr. Irbha Magotra

Assistant Professor - Research

Dr. Sandeep Bhavsar

Head – Learning Resource Centre

Reach Out

Dr. Ragini Jadhav

+91 80807744308

Ms. Shruti Mangaonkar

+91 9867788156

S.P. Mandali’s
Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research (PGDM) Lakhamsi Napoo Road, Opposite Matunga Gymkhana, Matunga Central Railway, Matunga East – 400019.

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